For Want of a Bird, The Sky Was Lost

For Want of a Bird, The Sky Was Lost

Springside Public Library, 3rd Floor, Quiet Room

It is with deep sorrow that I have decided to prohibit the readers of the Hypnopompic Index from interaction in any (physical) form with the Springside Public Library. After a protracted debate in which sanity was questioned and insults were flung, I have decided end a relationship that only promises to further inspire the view that life is nothing more than a crushing idiocy.

The situation is, in the most tragic definition of the term, terminal.

Contacting the Springside Public Library by telephone, mail, and text is permitted. Contacting the Springside Public Library by fax is encouraged.

The ban commences immediately and will be in effect until the demise and eventual collapse of said institution.


Correction: Originally, the Riversend Community Pavilion was banned. The text has been corrected and the Springside Public Library is now banned. The Riversend Community Pavilion also remains banned.


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