Archives July 2016

Creating Custom Django Model Managers

Creating Custom Django Model Managers

Custer and Pleasonton enjoy a relaxing afternoon in Cuyahoga

In the most basic setup of a Django project, a request is processed by looping through the Model-View-Controller framework and returns a response. The URL directs the request to the View which handles the logic of how to respond. Usually, the View collects information from the ...

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Sending Email with Flask

Sending Email with Flask

Yuri Andropov was once beset with negative thoughts concerning the postal service.

The appeal of microframework is the directness of the code written. As opposed to a classic MVC Framework which automatically creates a project folder with several files to be customized before the project is up and running, a microframework can easily exist as ...

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For Want of a Bird, The Sky Was Lost

For Want of a Bird, The Sky Was Lost

Springside Public Library, 3rd Floor, Quiet Room

It is with deep sorrow that I have decided to prohibit the readers of the Hypnopompic Index from interaction in any (physical) form with the Springside Public Library. After a protracted debate in which sanity was questioned and insults were flung, I have decided end a relationship that ...

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Daily archives
